Daily Bazaar Treasures, #89


Chase to run bear? Chase bear to run? To run, chase bear? We just don’t know. It’s one of the mysteries of the universe.

Or maybe the bear’s name is Cha-sé.


  1. Matt
    10 March 2008

    Poor bear. He looks friendly. Why chase or run?

  2. Matt
    10 March 2008

    Poor bear. He looks friendly. Why chase or run?

  3. 10 March 2008

    @Matt: are you on your period or something? It’s not like you to side with the shirt. 😀

    Personally, if a blue-clad plaid bear approached me on two feet, I’d run rather than chase.

  4. 10 March 2008

    @Matt: are you on your period or something? It’s not like you to side with the shirt. 😀

    Personally, if a blue-clad plaid bear approached me on two feet, I’d run rather than chase.

  5. Matt
    10 March 2008

    Sorry. Thought I’d play devils advocate this time. To answer the first question with a question, I just got done driving the 706 mile round trip to Morro Bay. Really. I had a wedding to go to. Long drive for a 45 minute ceremony. I will resume my usual smart A** remarks today.

  6. Matt
    10 March 2008

    Sorry. Thought I’d play devils advocate this time. To answer the first question with a question, I just got done driving the 706 mile round trip to Morro Bay. Really. I had a wedding to go to. Long drive for a 45 minute ceremony. I will resume my usual smart A** remarks today.

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