Daily Bazaar Treasures, #164


They finally ran out of stuff to say there in the middle.


  1. 29 May 2008

    🙂 IEWRUJDSK FJJDSH EOWRIFG is actually a very common eastern surfer slang for “dood the waves suck here let’s go and buy stupid t-shirts.” Very mind sensationing piece!

  2. 29 May 2008

    🙂 IEWRUJDSK FJJDSH EOWRIFG is actually a very common eastern surfer slang for “dood the waves suck here let’s go and buy stupid t-shirts.” Very mind sensationing piece!

  3. Matt
    29 May 2008

    Nothing like 9’0″high performance to start your day!

  4. Matt
    29 May 2008

    Nothing like 9’0″high performance to start your day!

  5. Jen
    30 May 2008

    Wow. . .how much more can they put on that tshirt, anyway? 😉

  6. Jen
    30 May 2008

    Wow. . .how much more can they put on that tshirt, anyway? 😉

  7. 30 May 2008

    Amazing. It’s like a snapshot of the kind of stuff happening inside my head ALL THE TIME. It’s like somebody took my EKG, ran a few FFTs and clicked ‘Print.’ It’s like– okay no, I have no idea why that arrow is on there.

  8. 30 May 2008

    Amazing. It’s like a snapshot of the kind of stuff happening inside my head ALL THE TIME. It’s like somebody took my EKG, ran a few FFTs and clicked ‘Print.’ It’s like– okay no, I have no idea why that arrow is on there.

  9. 1 June 2008

    That arrow earned its fame during 2000 by the now not so loud The Designers’ Republic. Gosh were arrows popular back then.

  10. 1 June 2008

    That arrow earned its fame during 2000 by the now not so loud The Designers’ Republic. Gosh were arrows popular back then.

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