A step in the right direction

The Great Big Body Project

The body positivity movement is like a house on fire at the moment, and not a moment too soon. It’s ridiculous how ashamed women are made to feel about their bodies, but luckily there are some great blogs out there fighting back for those of us with perfectly normal bodies for which others would ask us to apologise. The Great Big Body Project is one of my favourite blogs on the subject of body positivity, as it’s created by women from all over the world with all kinds of bodies: round, thin, tall, short, and everything in between. This helps bring awareness to the fact that it’s not just fat women who are made to feel that their bodies aren’t good enough; it’s all women. If you want to help fight back, you can submit your own photo and story to the site and become a part of a worthwhile cause: finally allowing ourselves to admit that we’re beautiful and worthy just the way we are. Link


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