A summer for all seasons

I was there

Although I can’t seem to shut up about it everywhere else, I don’t think I’ve mentioned here how crazy the weather has been this summer… if you can even call it a summer.

In past years, as you know, Antalya has regularly seen temperatures over 50° (122°F) in July. At night, in a typical summer it rarely goes down under 35° (95°F). This year so far, however, we haven’t even seen a temperature as high as 35° during the day. That is beyond insane. And, and… clouds. Lots of them. Normally there are no clouds whatsoever between May and September, but the above photo was taken today, and about half an hour after I came home from taking pictures, it actually started to rain lightly. Surely these are signs of the Apocalypse.

To say that I’m happy would be an understatement. I’ve never been a fan of Antalya’s short but brutal summer, and ever since we got the air conditioner last year I have dreaded our summer electric bills. But this year, the air conditioner has been on only a handful of times, and only for very short periods just to combat the humidity.

Nights have been wonderful— still cool enough to need the blanket, but not so cold as to need the duvet. I hope it stays like this straight through until autumn.


  1. Dylan
    14 July 2009

    That is amazing. I remember last year all my friends in Antalya telling me about the insane heat. I like it hot but I think I might prefer Izmir hot, hehe.

    • 14 July 2009

      I think Izmir is hotter than we are this year! And after I wrote this, it got really windy last night, and this morning it’s cool and breezy. Nature is great!

  2. Dylan
    14 July 2009

    That is amazing. I remember last year all my friends in Antalya telling me about the insane heat. I like it hot but I think I might prefer Izmir hot, hehe.

    • 14 July 2009

      I think Izmir is hotter than we are this year! And after I wrote this, it got really windy last night, and this morning it’s cool and breezy. Nature is great!

  3. Matt
    16 July 2009

    I was just in Aktakya 2 weeks ago and it was very cool there too. My friend said it was very strange for the weather to be so cool this time of year.

  4. Matt
    16 July 2009

    I was just in Aktakya 2 weeks ago and it was very cool there too. My friend said it was very strange for the weather to be so cool this time of year.

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