Back from the dead

Last week I went to Cyprus to do the visa renewal thing. Normally I renew my visa by taking a boat trip to Meis, but this time around I left it a bit too late and just needed to get it all done as soon as possible, so a quick round-trip flight seemed to be a more reasonable idea. I’d gone to Cyprus once before for a visa a couple of years ago, but I really didn’t like doing it that way. Aside from airports being a big hassle, I find Cyprus a bit spooky— it’s like a Turkish version of England. They drive on the left, they use the flat 3-pronged UK electrical plugs, and they sell English food in restaurants and markets. It’s kind of freaky. But I had to go, so I went. It was an exhausting day, and to top everything off I came back with my typical sore throat (I almost always pick up a throat bug during international travel), and by the next day it had blossomed into a full-blown head-and-chest cold. So I’ve been pretty much bed-ridden for the past few days (sorry for the lack of posts). Yesterday was the most intense as far as the illness goes; today I’m full of cold medicine and feel nearly human. I think the worst is over.

Couple of things I spotted in the Antalya airport on the way out:

visa day

You know the time that has no end? Well, you’ve reached the end.

visa day

I had heard legends about the Antalya airport Burger King being the most expensive Burger King in the universe, but I never quite believed the reports of just how expensive it was until I saw it for myself. See that Big King meal advertised in the centre? The price you see there in Turkish lira, 25.75… that’s twenty-one United States dollars. Ten UK pounds. Fifteen euros. I’m not kidding. For a burger, fries, and a drink. The girl at the counter informed me that there is no 18k gold plating on the drink cup, nor are the fries sprinkled with diamonds. The Whopper combo meal is a bargain at 22.75 YTL ($18 US, £9 , €13).

visa day

Now, I don’t smoke, but it’s good to know I can bring back a Bugs Bunny or two whenever I want. In fact, I can bring up to nine of them. Score.

Thanks for waiting around while I recovered from the throat bug; I’m up to posting again and will be resuming normal service presently. Hope you guys have been well.