Bizarre Bazaar 09.01.17

Write your own porn star joke:

Bizarre Bazaar


  1. 17 January 2009

    omg plz stop nao kthxbai?

    I have aching ribs from laughing… Only ever found one worth snapping here in Perth ( and it’s not even really funny, just acronymically challenged…

    BTW beautiful day today compared to yesterday, which was one of the hottest January days on record here. And the US and Canada are having a cold snap, dare I say the words “extreme thermocouple?”

  2. 17 January 2009

    omg plz stop nao kthxbai?

    I have aching ribs from laughing… Only ever found one worth snapping here in Perth ( and it’s not even really funny, just acronymically challenged…

    BTW beautiful day today compared to yesterday, which was one of the hottest January days on record here. And the US and Canada are having a cold snap, dare I say the words “extreme thermocouple?”

  3. Sara Willow
    17 January 2009

    Just reminds me of the local gaybar, which is called Blowing Wild, if you remember. Maybe they should stock these tees.

  4. Sara Willow
    17 January 2009

    Just reminds me of the local gaybar, which is called Blowing Wild, if you remember. Maybe they should stock these tees.

  5. Matt P
    20 January 2009

    WOW! Some places that is illegal!

  6. Matt P
    20 January 2009

    WOW! Some places that is illegal!

  7. Sara Willow
    21 January 2009

    Also, the perennial question: why do they use the term blow when they mean suck?

  8. Sara Willow
    21 January 2009

    Also, the perennial question: why do they use the term blow when they mean suck?

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