Those of you over on twitter may already be aware that for several weeks now we have been in a continual state of support for Susan Reynolds and her gradual return to health. Frozen Pea Friday had replaced our traditional Stripper Friday (if you’ve never been around for Stripper Friday, use your imagination), and we were all on board with our frozen pea avatars. It was the right thing to do, and it was a fun thing to do.
But even fun things need changing up once in a while, and I’m so glad we have people on the task. Sprite came up with the idea of combining Stripper Friday with the frozen pea intention, and the result is Twitter Tits Over America. Booby avatars abound, we’re still supporting the cause, and we get a bit of our Friday stripper action back.
Well, I’m from Texas, but I’m certainly not in America, so as usual I’ve sprinkled in my own flavour and submitted my avatar (pictured left) for consideration in the Texas Twitter Tits of Turkey category. So far there seems to be a positive response. And since I promised that 2008 would be the year of getting more boobs into this blog as well, I thought I’d include you guys in the picture fun, to, you know, help get the word out about the cause in as many places as possible. In the industry, this is what we call “killing two birds with one stone.”
So if you’re on twitter, change your avatar to one featuring cleavage art today (man boobs are eagerly accepted), and join us in the fun. If you’re not on twitter, where the hell have you been? Better hurry and sign up.
No one needs to see mine… ever.. :'(
No one needs to see mine… ever.. :'(
@SanNakji: oh, come on, I’m sure you’re your own harshest critic.
@SanNakji: oh, come on, I’m sure you’re your own harshest critic.
I can’t hold a candle to your avatar, so I won’t even try.
I can’t hold a candle to your avatar, so I won’t even try.
@Kelly *resisting the urge to start with the waxplay jokes*
Boobs of all sizes and shapes are encouraged. But if you’re shy, no one says they have to be your boobs.
@Kelly *resisting the urge to start with the waxplay jokes*
Boobs of all sizes and shapes are encouraged. But if you’re shy, no one says they have to be your boobs.
No that’d be the public!
No that’d be the public!
Twitter tits of Turkey made me howl with laughter…two nipples up!
Twitter tits of Turkey made me howl with laughter…two nipples up!
GREAT Cleavage, girlfriend! Glad you had fun today .. now I need to go bra shopping. I’m feeling a little bra envy. My red bra is not near so sexy. lol *hugs*
GREAT Cleavage, girlfriend! Glad you had fun today .. now I need to go bra shopping. I’m feeling a little bra envy. My red bra is not near so sexy. lol *hugs*
WoooWOOOO Miss Melissa!
And the saucy magenta bra…I bow to you.
WoooWOOOO Miss Melissa!
And the saucy magenta bra…I bow to you.
Damn, I should check your blog more frequently.
But you know what mine look like.
Damn, I should check your blog more frequently.
But you know what mine look like.
Love them.
Love them.
I Like Fridays
I Like Fridays