Coming back to life

Warm Sound

The weather’s starting to settle down a little, and it’s becoming possible to go out and do things again. It will only get better from here.

I had a lot of summer projects that are just finishing up, and now it’s time to begin on autumn ones, which are my favourites. All the best times of the year are coming up. Soon I’ll be putting away the summer clothes and venturing out during the day again. Right now, though, I’m taking some time to reflect on everything that’s happened so far this year, to process it and let it go and embrace the current season.

In many ways, September is the start of the new year for me. I think a lot of it has to do with the school year. When you’re a kid, September always means a fresh start, a new beginning. I like that feeling, and I like that it has stuck with me into adulthood. It makes me want to go out and buy some spiral notebooks and pens.