Daily Bazaar Treasures, #1

Well, hello there! You might be wondering where I’ve been, but chances are you were already on top of that story. The good news is, I successfully completed my NaNoWriMo novel (yay!), and melissamaples.com has just recently had its one-year anniversary (double yay!), so things are fantastic over here and I’m ready to start getting back into the swing of things and making some changes and improvements to mark the start of my second year here.

The first thing on the agenda is a little experiment— the weekly bazaar is one of the more popular features with our ever-growing readership, and in recent months people have started commenting more and more frequently that they wished we could have a bazaar giggle every day of the week instead of just on Thursdays. So, in light of those suggestions (and because change is a good thing), effective immediately the weekly Thursday Is Bazaar Day feature will be slimmed down into daily doses for your Turklish reading pleasure. There will be at least one new photo everyday, and they’ll be ones you haven’t seen before, fresh and chuckle-worthy to get your day started off the right way, seven days a week. I do take your feedback seriously, so hopefully this is a move in a direction that reflects what you’ve been asking for.

There will be a few more changes around here, most of which will be cosmetic. The site is pretty as it is, but I think we’re all ready for a new layout, yes? There will probably be some shuffling of content as I start to incorporate more useful information into the site, but I’ll try to keep the confusion to a minimum, and as always the blog will remain on the front page, so those of you who come here looking for light-hearted fun won’t have to change a thing about the way you view the site.

Lastly, I want to thank each and every one of my readers for making the first year of melissamaples.com a wildly successful one— it’s gone better than I ever could have imagined, thanks to your loyalty and patience with me. As I ramp up the changes here, please do keep those comments coming and let me know what you think. Your opinion is important to me, and what you guys want directly affects the content you see here.

So, let’s get our bags packed and head swiftly into our second year together, shall we?


Here’s to a new year full of the mysteries and delights of the language we like to call Turklish.