Daily Bazaar Treasures, #165


Uh… hmm. Which question first? Okay, what up with the white stuff on his front? Milk porn? And the line-up, why are they in a line-up? So many other questions, too, but I don’t have all day.


  1. Terry
    30 May 2008

    Eww I just realized that those are a pair of underwear. Don’t think I want Be Man, good thing I have woman.

  2. Terry
    30 May 2008

    Eww I just realized that those are a pair of underwear. Don’t think I want Be Man, good thing I have woman.

  3. Matt
    30 May 2008

    Transgendered Cattle? And on underwear? I think I have to wash my brain now….

  4. Matt
    30 May 2008

    Transgendered Cattle? And on underwear? I think I have to wash my brain now….

  5. 31 May 2008

    Oooh it’s one of those Magic Eye things! When I cross my eyes and stare at the picture I see the Lion King, so…

    Maybe these two are like, barnyard versions of Timon and Pumba. And they’ve been arrested because they got in a fight. Over the farmer, who is a man but wants to be a woman. And Pumba – that’s the bull – thought the farmer should be able to do the woman thing because, let’s face it, Pumba himself doesn’t exactly have the purtees and he sympathizes with the farmer. Timon (the cow, who doesn’t LIKE the farmer because “rough hands”) was in a bad MOOOOOD, and threw a pail of milk at Pumba, who of course “saw red” and proceeded to trash the barn.

    Book ’em, Dan-o. End of story.

    Although this doesn’t explain why the cow is smiling. Or the fact this story unfolds on a pair of underwear.


  6. 31 May 2008

    Oooh it’s one of those Magic Eye things! When I cross my eyes and stare at the picture I see the Lion King, so…

    Maybe these two are like, barnyard versions of Timon and Pumba. And they’ve been arrested because they got in a fight. Over the farmer, who is a man but wants to be a woman. And Pumba – that’s the bull – thought the farmer should be able to do the woman thing because, let’s face it, Pumba himself doesn’t exactly have the purtees and he sympathizes with the farmer. Timon (the cow, who doesn’t LIKE the farmer because “rough hands”) was in a bad MOOOOOD, and threw a pail of milk at Pumba, who of course “saw red” and proceeded to trash the barn.

    Book ’em, Dan-o. End of story.

    Although this doesn’t explain why the cow is smiling. Or the fact this story unfolds on a pair of underwear.


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