Daily Bazaar Treasures, #240

Fill in the mystery word:


My initial guess was “copy,” but the C would be sticking out from the 2 if that were the case. I also thought that O shouldn’t have a tail on it, but I think that tail is actually from the P (check out the P in “polynesian” and you’ll see what I mean). So it might be “copy,” with a chopped off C. Other suggestions?

Not that it’s going to make any more or less sense with that one word tacked on, mind you…


  1. Matt
    27 August 2008

    iopy? lopy? nothing else would fit there. oh well. back to finding a cure for cancer…

  2. Matt
    27 August 2008

    iopy? lopy? nothing else would fit there. oh well. back to finding a cure for cancer…

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