Daily Bazaar Treasures, #294


Oh man, authority… they’re always the ones making the big choices.


  1. oi
    5 November 2008

    Reglas de polo tradicional asociación:
    1-Mantener siempre los caballos y los ataques de simetría con los miembros del equipo.
    2-Mantener la autoridad en todo momento, y hacer grandes opciones.

    which should mean:
    Rules of traditional polo association:
    1-Always keep horses and attacks symmetrical with team members.
    2-Keep the authority at all times, and make big choices.

  2. oi
    5 November 2008

    Reglas de polo tradicional asociación:
    1-Mantener siempre los caballos y los ataques de simetría con los miembros del equipo.
    2-Mantener la autoridad en todo momento, y hacer grandes opciones.

    which should mean:
    Rules of traditional polo association:
    1-Always keep horses and attacks symmetrical with team members.
    2-Keep the authority at all times, and make big choices.

  3. Matt P
    5 November 2008

    There was a big choice last night and Polo had nothing to do with it.

  4. Matt P
    5 November 2008

    There was a big choice last night and Polo had nothing to do with it.

  5. Sara Willow
    6 November 2008

    See, it’s not just me who gets smutty on here.

  6. Sara Willow
    6 November 2008

    See, it’s not just me who gets smutty on here.

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