Daily Bazaar Treasures, #297

When the Overdo Girls just aren’t enough to keep you happy anymore:

girls and dog


  1. 11 November 2008

    sung to the love boat theme…. The love girls soon you’ll be loving a dog. The love girls more than just walking your dog. To the pound for adventure its your time to chase another cat or shall we say pussy…..cat. All I got tis half past seven and I have 3 hours sleep in the bank.

  2. 11 November 2008

    sung to the love boat theme…. The love girls soon you’ll be loving a dog. The love girls more than just walking your dog. To the pound for adventure its your time to chase another cat or shall we say pussy…..cat. All I got tis half past seven and I have 3 hours sleep in the bank.

  3. Matt P
    11 November 2008

    Wasn’t that an old French movie from the 60s?

  4. Matt P
    11 November 2008

    Wasn’t that an old French movie from the 60s?

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