Daily Bazaar Treasures, #52

And you thought your site had a long URL:


My guess is that justbeopenminded…tolookatthingsdifferently.com is probably still for sale. But hey, everything communicates, so I thought I should tell you about it.


  1. Matt
    1 February 2008

    If you bought that domain name you could have an email address that would qualify for the Guiness book of world records. Just think for example: richarddaniels@justbeopenminded…tolookatthingsdifferently.com .

    Imagine the friends you would lose!

  2. Matt
    1 February 2008

    If you bought that domain name you could have an email address that would qualify for the Guiness book of world records. Just think for example: richarddaniels@justbeopenminded…tolookatthingsdifferently.com .

    Imagine the friends you would lose!

  3. 1 February 2008

    I read your site in an aggregator. When I stumbled across this I thought I was reading a different site’s feed. I got excited: ‘you can have ellipses in urls!? no wai!’ Then I realised that this was melissamaples.com and got sad. 🙁 I am very tired.

  4. 1 February 2008

    I read your site in an aggregator. When I stumbled across this I thought I was reading a different site’s feed. I got excited: ‘you can have ellipses in urls!? no wai!’ Then I realised that this was melissamaples.com and got sad. 🙁 I am very tired.

  5. 2 February 2008

    @melissah: aw, I’m sorry. 🙁

  6. 2 February 2008

    @melissah: aw, I’m sorry. 🙁

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