Daily Bazaar Treasures, #67

I wonder if the, er, carpet matches the curtains, so to speak:


What a strange thing to put on an apron.


  1. 15 February 2008

    Are these from some arts & crafts class held at an insane asylum? I don’t know why but this one seems especially disturbing. How does someone decide to put these words and phrases together?

  2. 15 February 2008

    Are these from some arts & crafts class held at an insane asylum? I don’t know why but this one seems especially disturbing. How does someone decide to put these words and phrases together?

  3. Matt
    15 February 2008

    I like the whole Viola-Violet. Sounds like a character in Clue. The rest is a haiku gone bad. Then again, on my second read through, it looks like instead of carpet, it is caipet, or even caijset. Thats what I get for looking too detailed into it.

  4. Matt
    15 February 2008

    I like the whole Viola-Violet. Sounds like a character in Clue. The rest is a haiku gone bad. Then again, on my second read through, it looks like instead of carpet, it is caipet, or even caijset. Thats what I get for looking too detailed into it.

  5. 18 February 2008

    …You can see how it was:
    Look at the pictures and the cutlery.
    The music in the piano stool. That vase.

  6. 18 February 2008

    …You can see how it was:
    Look at the pictures and the cutlery.
    The music in the piano stool. That vase.

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