Happy International Museum Day!

Antalya Museum

How many of you knew that today is International Museum day? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m always shocked when my own lack of culture awareness comes back to slap me in the face.

Here in Turkey museums across the country are celebrating not just today, but throughout the next week with special exhibitions, displays, activities, and events aimed at increasing public interest in Turkish museums. As is the norm in Turkey, children are especially included, and there are a large amount of concerts, shows, and practical workshops catering to younger visitors.

International Museum Day is organised by the International Council of Museums, and has been celebrated since 1977 (embarrassing that I only learned about it now). This year the theme is “universal heritage,” and Antalya Museum (pictured, wiki), one of Turkey’s largest museums, is bound to have lots of things going on, so my plan this week is to stop being so lazy and head down to the museum and check it out.

[thanks to rhombitruncated for the photo; also check out the Antalya Museum flickr stream— the museum looks fantastic, doesn’t it?]