Hidden Anatolia progress report – end of week three

The most fun you can have in a field with a mirror

Yeah yeah, I know it’s halfway through week four, but I had to take a long weekend for various reasons, so I’m just now getting back on the posting horse.

The good news is, the end of the third week has taken us over the 25% fueling mark. The current total is $1,253, and I couldn’t be happier with that.

The even better news is that this bodes well for the rest of the fueling process. The great majority of projects that get to the quarter-mark end up getting full funding. Projects that fail usually fail right out of the starting gate, never getting enough momentum to reach the funding level we have now.

That doesn’t mean that there’s not work still to be done, of course, and you can help! If you have $1 (yes, just $1) and can spare one minute to make a difference, you too can help fuel the Hidden Anatolia project. If you have a Facebook account, you don’t even have to sign up for anything new, as you can login with your Facebook details. It’s a really easy thing to do, and you’d really be helping out to make sure this project gets off the ground.

In exchange for your fueling contribution, you’ll receive great rewards. These are real prizes for everyone who contributes, not just some drawing where only one or two people gets something. Everyone who contributes benefits. Depending on your chosen fueling level, you can get anything from your name printed in the acknowledgements of the book, right on up to a one-of-a-kind photo print on canvas! There are some really great rewards, and I encourage you to take a look and find a level that suits you.

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