Hidden Anatolia progress report – end of week two


Well, at the beginning of this week I said to myself that I wanted to get the four-digit mark in my sights, and that certainly happened! The current fueling level is $963, which is nearly 20% of the amount needed for the project to move forward. I’m definitely pleased with that progress, and I’m looking forward to this momentum helping propel the project even more. It’s all thanks to you, the fuelers, for making the Hidden Anatolia project a reality. If you haven’t gotten around to fueling yet, it’s easy to do right over here, and no contribution is too small! Don’t forget, it’s not like you’re throwing money into a vacuum— there are great gifts to be had for project members!

Quite a lot of people have subscribed via RSS to the official Hidden Anatolia project site, and I’d like to get those subscriber numbers up even more. If you have already contributed, it’s the perfect place to see how the project is taking shape, what the plans are, and how you can participate in affecting the direction of the trip. If you haven’t fueled yet, you can browse the site to see what the project is all about, which perhaps can help you make the decision to be a part of it.

So what will week three bring? Stick around and find out!