If I’m not on the team… then there will be no team


This year Antalya are proudly hosting the 2007 World Cup Amputee Football Championship. The International Amputee Athletes Association provides their own shuttle bus (pictured above) to transport the athletes between the hotel and the stadium. Hint to the graphic designers for next time: when deciding where to place each image on the side of the bus, put the marksman to the left of the basketball players. Otherwise it looks like they cut him from the team and he didn’t take it very well.

It reminds me of the time my ex-boyfriend tried to explain the biathlon to me and failed to elaborate beyond “it’s skiing and shooting.” For a long time I thought this must be the most awesome sport ever, because I was picturing downhill skiing with automatic weapons. I still think that would be a great way to make competitive skiing more interesting— give the skiers AKs and send them all down the hill at the same time, like horses out of the gate… first survivor to the bottom wins. You’d need fabulous prizes and chicks in bikinis, natch. Cash bar and VIP lounge. It’s too bad the weather in Vegas isn’t suitable, because the Men’s Grand Rambo Slalom is a Vegas sport if ever there was one.


  1. 19 November 2007

    That’s almost amusing enough to make one forget an otherwise miserable Monday.

  2. 19 November 2007

    That’s almost amusing enough to make one forget an otherwise miserable Monday.

  3. 19 November 2007

    I think the skiing & shooting sport sounds like a winner to me. Thank you so much for bringing laughter to my morning!

  4. 19 November 2007

    I think the skiing & shooting sport sounds like a winner to me. Thank you so much for bringing laughter to my morning!

  5. 20 November 2007

    HAHAHAHHAHA!!! That made me truly laugh out loud. I needed that too as I am about to go into my Danish exam and I already had a dream that I couldn’t be there on time so I couldn’t take the exam. Or another dream in which I was failed for using a Danish-English dictionary. I really didn’t know I wasn’t allowed! Anyway I’m sure I won’t open fire on the class now.

  6. 20 November 2007

    HAHAHAHHAHA!!! That made me truly laugh out loud. I needed that too as I am about to go into my Danish exam and I already had a dream that I couldn’t be there on time so I couldn’t take the exam. Or another dream in which I was failed for using a Danish-English dictionary. I really didn’t know I wasn’t allowed! Anyway I’m sure I won’t open fire on the class now.

  7. 20 November 2007

    Just move the Rambo Challenge to Tahoe… It’s almost as good.

  8. 20 November 2007

    Just move the Rambo Challenge to Tahoe… It’s almost as good.

  9. 20 November 2007

    Lol – you’ve cheered me up no end.

    You’re bonkers, btw.

  10. 20 November 2007

    Lol – you’ve cheered me up no end.

    You’re bonkers, btw.

  11. Expat^Square
    22 November 2007

    Happy Thanksgiving in sunny Antalya. I hope you will get to carve a turkey and have a piece of pumpkin pie today.

  12. Expat^Square
    22 November 2007

    Happy Thanksgiving in sunny Antalya. I hope you will get to carve a turkey and have a piece of pumpkin pie today.

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