Turkish media spotlight: Insomnia Radio Turkey

IR Turkey

For a couple of years now I have been asking around and asking around: where is all the good Turkish music? Don’t get me wrong, I like Turkish pop as much as the next person, but for me pop in any language all starts to sound the same after a while. I’ve inquired as to where one might find a Turkish version of Radiohead or Nine Inch Nails, but I’ve been met with blank stares. It’s frustrating, because I know these sorts of Turkish bands must be out there, but how do you find them if you don’t know where to look or whom you’re looking for?

Well, I have discovered something wonderful— Insomnia Radio Turkey. It’s the first region of Insomnia Radio to feature music not in English, and as far as I’m aware, it’s the first Turkish music podcast anywhere. Podcasting of this sort still hasn’t really caught on in Turkey, so we’re very lucky that Turker Keskinpala and his wife Hande have taken this task on. So far there have been three episodes, which you can subscribe to in a number of ways (including via iTunes), and here’s the best part: they do two versions of the podcast— one in Turkish, and one in English! So if you love Turkish music but don’t speak Turkish, no problem. Because of this podcast being so young, you can expect the usual teething problems, but the premise is solid, and as Turker and Hande get more used to being behind the microphone I’m sure things will start to run more smoothly. Even in these early stages, it’s an extremely enjoyable listen— I’ve been turned on to so much new Turkish music, and none of it has been pop.

I’m always the last one to know about the good podcasts, so I feel a bit smug that I discovered this one so early on. You heard about it here first! I’m still waiting for them to show me my dream Turkish band (i.e. whoever is the Turkish version of Zero7— I know Turk trip-hop must be out there!), but I’m definitely going to enjoy every other song along the way. Link


  1. 15 April 2007

    Got here via Twitter even though I had no idea what you were on about.

    I’m quite intrigued by Turkish pop though.

  2. 15 April 2007

    Got here via Twitter even though I had no idea what you were on about.

    I’m quite intrigued by Turkish pop though.

  3. 15 April 2007

    Awesome, I’m glad my twitter friends are heading over here… Turkey has so much going for it, and I want to show everyone. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something useful and interesting here.

  4. 15 April 2007

    Awesome, I’m glad my twitter friends are heading over here… Turkey has so much going for it, and I want to show everyone. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something useful and interesting here.

  5. 15 April 2007

    Well yes, I have a reading interest in Turkish politics so I was pleasantly surprised to come across this blog.

  6. 15 April 2007

    Well yes, I have a reading interest in Turkish politics so I was pleasantly surprised to come across this blog.

  7. 15 April 2007

    Oooh, I might have to ask you for advice when handling political matters because politics is something I know nothing about!

  8. 15 April 2007

    Oooh, I might have to ask you for advice when handling political matters because politics is something I know nothing about!

  9. 15 April 2007

    Hmm yes, well I’ll hit you up one day soon (somehow) and try and figure out how much more decent Turkish music is than the crap pop that I just previewed ^^

  10. 15 April 2007

    Hmm yes, well I’ll hit you up one day soon (somehow) and try and figure out how much more decent Turkish music is than the crap pop that I just previewed ^^

  11. 15 April 2007

    This is wonderful Melissa. It is great to hear that someone is appreciating what we are trying to do. Thank you for listening and recommending the show. We are trying to find music that sounds good to us without any professional sense whatsoever, totally amateur 🙂 I am sure the music and us behind the mic will get even better as time goes along.

  12. 15 April 2007

    This is wonderful Melissa. It is great to hear that someone is appreciating what we are trying to do. Thank you for listening and recommending the show. We are trying to find music that sounds good to us without any professional sense whatsoever, totally amateur 🙂 I am sure the music and us behind the mic will get even better as time goes along.

  13. 15 April 2007

    Melissa, I woke up this morning grumpy and tired, until a google alert pointed me to your blog. All I can say is thanks so much for this glowing mention of IR Turkey. Interestingly enough, it was meant to the be the FIRST IR Regional show, but when all was said and done, I’m happy that we waited. A show I thought would be very risky is being so well received.

    Bottom line: you rock, and thank you for spreading the word.

  14. 15 April 2007

    Melissa, I woke up this morning grumpy and tired, until a google alert pointed me to your blog. All I can say is thanks so much for this glowing mention of IR Turkey. Interestingly enough, it was meant to the be the FIRST IR Regional show, but when all was said and done, I’m happy that we waited. A show I thought would be very risky is being so well received.

    Bottom line: you rock, and thank you for spreading the word.

  15. 15 April 2007

    Melissa, I learned this IR from your blog and it’s really cool. They pick not-so-famous-but-so-fabolous Turkish songs.

    If you want to listen the closest Turkish band to Radiohead, you should check Mor ve Ötesi. Maybe you’ve already discovered them, ’cause they’re popular for years…

  16. 15 April 2007

    Melissa, I learned this IR from your blog and it’s really cool. They pick not-so-famous-but-so-fabolous Turkish songs.

    If you want to listen the closest Turkish band to Radiohead, you should check Mor ve Ötesi. Maybe you’ve already discovered them, ’cause they’re popular for years…

  17. 21 April 2007

    yep, I’m a twitter friend too. just visiting. Hello ^_^

  18. 21 April 2007

    yep, I’m a twitter friend too. just visiting. Hello ^_^

  19. 26 April 2007

    I am really interested in non-english music. I will definitely check this out. Thank you 🙂

  20. 25 April 2007

    I am really interested in non-english music. I will definitely check this out. Thank you 🙂

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