Leah and Mark feature the Hidden Anatolia project!

Leah and Mark feature the Hidden Anatolia project!

Yesterday, famed Atlanta photographers Leah and Mark featured the Hidden Anatolia project on their web site! I’m really thankful for the exposure, especially from two such respected artists. I encourage you to take a moment and read the write-up, as they do a great job of explaining the project and explaining how you as a supporter can benefit.

Becoming a part of the project is easy – you don’t have to sign up for anything new if you already have accounts with PayPal and Facebook. Project fueling starts with as little as a single dollar (yes, you can really give just one dollar and still take part!), and the best thing is that you get gifts, rewards, and prizes along the way for your contribution.

You can fuel the project here, and learn more about what you’re getting into here.

Many, many thanks to those who have already fueled the project and are helping to make it a reality!