
Plans for the weekend

When you grow up with German parents, Oktoberfest is a big deal. For my mom, it represented the sole opportunity of the year to buy authentic goods from Germany. For my dad, it was his chance to catch up with his old friends German Beer and German Sausage. Oktoberfests around the world are German through and through; thus you can understand why I would expect the second annual Antalya Oktoberfest to be similar.

But no. Turkish beer, Turkish bands, and food from local Turkish restaurants. No opportunities to eat any German sausages or buy German baked goods. No German Advent calendars. No German vendors whatsoever.

It makes me wonder if anyone who organises this event has ever actually seen an Oktoberfest. They should either get some actual Germans on the committee for next year and try to make a real go of it, or change the name to Antalyafest so as not to be misleading. Turkish bands and Turkish food do not an Oktoberfest make!