Same crap, different container

Out with the old…


…and in with the new:


I promised you guys a new layout this year, and here it is. I hope you like it, but to be honest I’m so in love with it right now that I probably wouldn’t care if you absolutely despised it. I’m a romantic that way.

The idea for the layout came from the fact that in ten years of site design and web authoring, I don’t think I’ve ever, ever made a site with a white background, though I’ve often wanted to. So this time I decided I was going to do it. And I like the result. It feels clean somehow.

And of course, once again we have Rachel Kelso to thank for her amazing skills with a camera. She’s responsible for about 90% of the coolness on this site.

Anyway, I’ve been php-ing for about twelve hours, so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to lie down and relax for a while.

See you guys tomorrow.