Spring has sprung

What you missed by not hanging out with me this evening

It’s the time of year to make the most of these interesting, cloudy sunsets, because within a couple of months they’ll be gone and replaced with searing heat, boring solid blue skies, and… more searing heat. It’s no secret that I don’t love summer. When finances allow, I plan on having a summer home in Australia so I can just cycle through spring-winter-autumn-winter every year. It will be heavenly.

But for now… it’s still quite chilly here, especially in the shade, and things won’t get really unbearable until the middle of June or so. So I’m happy at the moment, and I love sunsets like these.


  1. Jonny
    22 March 2010

    nice photo-it is now Spring here in Michigan-soon the earth will be covered with flowers-peace Jonny

  2. 22 March 2010

    nice photo-it is now Spring here in Michigan-soon the earth will be covered with flowers-peace Jonny

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