The Blonde Natasha

Blonde Natasha

Ever since I moved to Antalya this has been one of my favourite cocktails— amaretto and milk. It’s simple, but it’s very tasty, and a lot of people here drink these, especially in the summer.

I have a friend on twitter whose screen name (but not real name) is Natasha; I turned her on to this drink and she liked it so much that I decided to call it a Blonde Natasha, after her. Of course, in this part of the world, the word “Natasha” has a double meaning (other than just a girl’s name), but I assure everyone it’s just a coincidence and that if her screen name had been Jennifer I would’ve called the drink a Blonde Jennifer.

As for the double meaning, well, have a guess in the comments if you think you know what it is, what else the word “Natasha” is sometimes used for in this area. I’ll give you a hint: it’s very very politically incorrect. But don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just reporting.