The bus system is dead, long live the bus system

Goodbye Number 15

The council has completely overhauled the entire Greater Antalya bus system, and the changes came into effect over the weekend. All the old bus lines are officially gone.

So far, sure, things are sort of chaotic. That’s going to be the case with any major modification to people’s daily lives (humans hate change, no matter how much they may argue to the contrary, and will fight as hard as they can to avoid it). I initially grumbled about the new system, as well, but after studying it in greater detail, I have to say… this has the potential to work amazingly well. If the drivers can just get some momentum going, especially on the more minor routes, I think it’ll all go fairly smoothly after that. At first it looked to me as if the new routes were restricting travel, but now I can see that we can actually go a lot more places. In practical terms I’ve had mixed success so far, but as the kinks in the system get worked out, that’s bound to improve.


  1. 22 August 2011

    you’re right,
    but there is no enough transportation lines and platforms. the tram line is so weak for antalya crowd. if there were much alternative ways to transpost  all district, this radical system change would be fabulous via future. 

    • 22 August 2011

      I’ll admit, I don’t have much experience with the tram, because neither of the tram lines go anywhere near my home (which is part of your point, I think). I was referring more to the buses, but you’re right – although this is a step in the right direction, even more needs to be done to diversify. I wish we could have an underground metro like Istanbul, but I think I can keep dreaming. 🙂

      • 22 August 2011

        I hope your dreams come true 🙂

        by the way, your photos are fully amazing. thanks for publishing my hometown’s portrait.  I also want to advice, you must visit the Yuruk (Yörük) villages over Toros mountains. 

        • 22 August 2011

          Ah, thank you so much! I definitely want to go to the Yörük villages, I love going into the mountains as much as possible.

          • 22 August 2011

            great , I will be waiting impatiently for your Yörük photos 🙂 

            if you need some destination tips, I’ll be happy to give some village names and reference lovely hospitable people in villages.

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