Thursday is bazaar day! No. 17

You got lucky today— I managed to get down to the bazaar and back again before the rain started. Had I been half an hour later I would have missed my window of opportunity. Luckily mother nature seemed to be on my side today and held off until I brought back the latest in bazaar treasures.

[click on each image to see a larger version]


You know, love’s a pretty strong word for someone your age… but I admire your passion.


I guess we have to tune in next week to find out where.


I just don’t understand why little Timmy has a complex about his weight…


Clearly a place to drink beer was high on God’s priority list.


It’s the Bikini Bottom version of Tavern on The Green.


Thanks for the warning, but perhaps it should have been on the back of the shirt.


Sounds like a lot of trouble to go through for a measly seven points.


But can it break the strength of the wind?


Wherever you go, there you are.

As for me, I’m off to Ankara tomorrow, so you might not hear from me for a day or two. If that’s the case, have a great weekend.