Thursday is bazaar day! No. 37

Dear Winter, I’m sorry for all those things I said about you. Please come back, we’ll work it out. Love, Melissa.

I nearly melted today. We’re back up in the mid-forties. Friends of mine all over the world are talking about how autumn is already starting for them. It’s just not fair, send some this way!

I wandered around the bazaar with the rest of the heat-addled zombies; here’s what I came back with. Enjoy.

[click on each image to see a larger version]


See, this is what happens when it gets too hot. “Blaze in the sailink wing across the breezy skies softly, monarch’s gold velvet.” Monarch’s Gold Velvet sounds like the name of a race horse.


As opposed to all that fug makeup I used to wear…


Oh fake Eeyore, I think you’ve got bigger identity problems than who the worm is… a pending cease-and-desist from Disney, for one.


A public safety message from Levi Strauss & Co.


It always makes me laugh when they paste in these cutesy puns (yes, that first word is hoppy) that make no sense without the context of a graphic, and even less sense in late August.


They don’t mean flower girl in the sense that we mean flower girl; they mean flower girl in the sense that we mean crazy lady with fifty cats.


“Carrier” might be pushing it, it looks more like “droppier” from here. Also, notice that Duck has a crush on Carrier Pigeon. Oh Duck, you always fall in love so easily.


Ha, I used to be an authentic mayo chick, and I can say for sure that I would have never fit into something that size.

If you want to see more of these, the bazaar archive is here. Also you’ll want to head down to the store— there are a couple of new shirts there this week, and some more will be arriving soon thanks to your suggestions. Enjoy your Thursday!