Thursday is bazaar day! No. 43

At last, a day of rain, the first rain we’ve seen in five months. And of course, the first thing people do is run away and hide where it’s dry. Silly people. I walked around with abandon, no rain coat or umbrella, enjoying the glorious weather and soaking up the Turklish.

[click on each image to see a larger version]


Errr…. I give up.


There’s bound to be a Bush foreign policy joke in there somewhere.


We call it a Long Island Iced Tea.


Hey buddy, go fun yourself.


If you’ve never had your needs and desires pushed, I highly recommend it.


The code is unknown! It’s secret! Oh what the hell, it’s five. I was never good with secrets.


The breath test showed he was over twice his possible limit.


Way to prepare your fat, weak baby for the harshness of the real world. Those preschool bullies can be nasty— better to toughen the kid up now.


What the… is bear promising us favours in the future? Shame on him.

If you want to see more of these, the bazaar archive is here, and you’ll want to head down to the store to fill your closet with Turklish goodness. See you soon.