When I moved to Turkey, I discovered the versatility of instant coffee. Filter or drip coffee isn’t really a big thing here; people just buy Nescafé or similar and live with that (if you want a real coffee you have a Turkish coffee, which is another animal altogether). Of course I can never leave well enough alone, and soon after I bought my first jar of instant coffee I started experimenting with possibilities, and after some tweaking and adjusting, finally came up with a recipe I like to call TurboCoffeeWOOWOOWOO. Over the years people have asked me to share the secret energy-renewing formula, and finally I’ve given in. So here it is for your Creative Commons remixing pleasure:
minimum three heaping spoonfuls instant coffee
minimum eight sugar cubes (that’s a bare minimum for me)
enough milk to fill the mugPlace sugar and coffee in mug, fill to the top with hot milk (no water whatsoever), and stir.
If you think that sounds awful, just give it a try. It’s not as bad as you think, and I guarantee it’ll get you in gear.
Another variation, called the TurboCoffeeBombBOOMBOOM, is to add just enough hot milk to the sugar and coffee to stir it into a sludge, and then carefully pour the remaining milk on top of the sludge in a separate layer. Do not stir. The sludge will mix in somewhat on its own, but the real rocket launcher is at the bottom of the cup. BOOM!
Since I first released this recipe to friends last week, I’ve already heard back about some remixing efforts, including a skinny version using nonfat milk and artificial sweetener, and a soy version for the lactose intolerant. I challenge you to try all these variations, and please, by all means send in your own so we can all share.
8 sugar cubes… wow! Isn’t this the same amount of sugar as in a glass of Coke? Thats definitly too much for me, besides the fact that I dont like instant coffee and would always prefer turkish coffee over this.
8 sugar cubes… wow! Isn’t this the same amount of sugar as in a glass of Coke? Thats definitly too much for me, besides the fact that I dont like instant coffee and would always prefer turkish coffee over this.
[…] Back in May I made public the formula for TurboCoffeeWOOWOOWOO, my homemade rocket-in-a-cup recipe for getting yourself launched during bouts of overwhelming laziness. Problem is, summer is here now, and I don’t care how much the Turks argue that hot drinks are refreshing in this weather, there’s no way I’m going to sit here in the 38-degree heat and drink a cup of boiling anything. That’s just insane, and it’s not gonna happen. We need cold drinks, people— stuff with lots of ice in it! Caffeine the volume of which would fall under “intent to distribute” probably wouldn’t hurt, either. […]
Oh, _yes_.
Oh, _yes_.
@Melissah: yeah, it’s… reviving.
@Melissah: yeah, it’s… reviving.
Nice! Sounds tasty. We’re going to try this out on our next show. We’ll send everyone your way for the recipe.
Nice! Sounds tasty. We’re going to try this out on our next show. We’ll send everyone your way for the recipe.
@Jennifer: that’s awesome, I can’t wait! I’m going to be featured on a show! Woooo!
@Jennifer: that’s awesome, I can’t wait! I’m going to be featured on a show! Woooo!
I’m surprised you’ve not included the vodka version, with 1-2 shots of vodka in addition to the other ingredients.
I’m surprised you’ve not included the vodka version, with 1-2 shots of vodka in addition to the other ingredients.
@Sara I’ve never actually heard of that version, but I would think it would be kind of counterproductive, seeing as the point is to get as far up as possible, and alcohol is a depressant…
@Sara I’ve never actually heard of that version, but I would think it would be kind of counterproductive, seeing as the point is to get as far up as possible, and alcohol is a depressant…