Coming soon: online bazaar shop

online bazaar shop

In the past, I have offered (albeit in a very casual way) to go down to the bazaar and purchase items on behalf of those of you who have expressed interest in owning some of the ridiculously delightful Turkish shirts, bags, and other items we get delivered to our neighbourhood every week. Problem is, since this is hardly an official arrangement, it’s quite complicated to try to get what people want, guess what the right Turkish size would be based on the size they gave me, hope I remember which vendor has which shirts, hope the vendor hasn’t run out, and then if I do manage to get the correct item there’s still shipping and money transfers and the hardly-reliable Turkish postal service to deal with. In short, there has to be a better way.

Then a friend of mine suggested, why not just put the shirts online and let people choose the ones they want and purchase them that way?

So that’s exactly what I’m doing. Within the next couple of weeks, you’ll be able to purchase a dozen or so different bazaar designs at the brand new online bazaar shop! To start with I’ll be offering just the most popular designs on shirts and bags, but there’s no limit to how many or which designs I can do, so if there’s a particular shirt you had your eye on, please be sure to let me know. I’m planning on starting small and building an inventory based on your suggestions.

I’m very excited about the online bazaar, as it will take a lot of the stress off me for making sure you guys get exactly the shirts you want and that what you order gets to you safely and in a timely fashion. No more third-worlding it around here; welcome to the 21st century.