Tumblr: halfway between twitter and blogging


I’ve found yet another blogging outlet that falls somewhere between full-on blogging and twitter-style microblogging. Tumblr is a web application that allows fast-n-easy updates of photos, text, videos, and other media, without the hassle of having to write full posts or deal with the structure of an actual blog. There are also some limitations (no commenting, for example), but rather than being hinderances, those things just help keep the focus of the application simple and straightforward.

So far I’ve been using my Tumblr to document some pretty mundane daily life kind of stuff, mostly with the cameraphone, but seeing as quite a few of you have indicated you’d like to see more of that sort of thing from me, I thought I’d share. Be warned, though— you will be inundated with everything from photos of my Turkish-American hybrid breakfast to Emirhan’s photos of me to my personal snub at The Man.

Incidentally, if anyone has any cool custom Tumblr themes lying around or is interested in designing one for me, please let me know in the comments. I’m currently using one of the pleasant-but-boring provided themes, which is not ideal, but I simply don’t have the extra time to design a cool theme at the moment, and as yet there don’t seem to be a lot of places where you can download Tumblr themes. Link to get your own Tumblr :: Link to my Tumblr